Saturday, June 7, 2008

Payton's Punishment

I thought long and hard about a punishment that was suitable for a four-year-old, and yet encompassed the damage done to two blankets, two pillows, a pillowcase and a head of hair. So, I decided, since Payton liked cutting with his scissors so much, I would allow him to continue with that as his punishment. Look closely, and you can see the infamous safety scissors.


Carrie Hutchings said...

So, did he think cutting down weeds with his scissors was as fun as cutting blankets and hair?

Tami said...

No, he did not! LOL

Brenda said...

What a fantastic idea. I bet those little fingers were done with those scissors after that.

Shauna said...

he he he. will you write some great punishments down like that and pass it along the family - good, creative punishment - I love it!!